So the week before Easter was gorgeous and knowing how Western Washington can be I figured I better take advantage of the sun and do Easter Pictures. I also knew my boys wouldn't be up for pictures before or right after church since we go at 9 a.m. So after dinner Sunday I got them all dressed up and we headed over to Tumwater Falls park. Colin and Conner were actually excited to get dressed up, I had been talking about the easter outfits for weeks and they knew that I had bought them "Newsies" hats just like the ones that the boys wear in the movie "Newsies, which I had just introduced to them. Amazing enough they kept them on the whole time even Colby! It was a great day for a walk by the falls and picture taking. And all the boys did wonderful. We had some trouble getting a shot with me in it but it still was a lot of fun.

My Three Sons..,Colby (Orange), Conner (blue) and Colin (Green) Not one tear shed and no one crawling away.

The one shot that turned out with me and the boys not bad just looking into the sun.

Colby at 10 months he is getting so big and has a great personality.

Conner showing off his muscles!

Colin....this captures his personality completely.

Just I quick photo of Colby in his car seat.



And this captures the rest of my boys personalities.