I had my friend Sarah take pictures of my boys for me for our Christmas cards! She is an amazing photographer, she has set up her own website just click the link
sarah kohler photograph if you want to take a look. She is moving to California in September which makes me sad because she is an awesome friend. She really caught the personality of my boys!!!

This is by far my Favorite and is now hanging on my wall!

Ok I love this shot but Grandpa doesn't get maybe it is a Mom thing!
Also hanging on my wall!

I love the perspective of this one!

This is completely Colin!

My three sons!
I love how the Black background and white shirts turned out!

Happy Conner!
Always can get a great shot of him!

Isn't this great!
We asked Colby to hug his brothers and this is what we got!

Ok we were trying to get an individual shot of Colby and he had enough.
But we bribed him with a cookie for shots with these hats I found the boys!

This is Sarah!
A wonderful friend, mother/wife and photographer!
Thanks Sarah!