We were invited to meet our Friends from Ellensburg at the Seattle Children's Museum specifically the Hall's even though there were others there that I was able to talk to briefly while following kids around. But I got a chance to really connect with Emily Hall and the boys got to renew their friendship with her children. Which are all about the same ages as the boys. Colin and Ethan are only 2 weeks apart and have know each other for almost their entire life. So it was a great day!!! Thanks for the Invite Emily!!
Also on a side note I have decided to digitally scrapbook my pictures before doing a post because I normally have to many photos I would like to share. This might put me more behind but I hope it also pushes me to post more sense finals are over and I really want to play around on elements. To really enjoy each page, click on it to make it bigger!

The Fry Boys and the Hall Kids!
Colby, Colin, Aubree, Ethan, Conner and Amie

The Children's museum had so much to do we didn't even get to half of it!!

Eat, Digest & Poo
This was Conner's favorite exhibit.
So I had to do a page just for him!

They had a really cute Fire Engine to play on and I remember I had a picture of Ethan & Colin in a fire engine similar at the Ellensburg Children's museum and wanted to show how much they have grown!! The 2 side pictures are them in March of 2005 when they were 16 months old.