Monday, March 29, 2010

Valentine's Weekend ~ Febuary 13 & 14, 2010

On Saturday I watched the Kohler Kids so Sarah and Matt could have a night off. The kids all had tons of fun!

Then to thank me Sarah grabbed me after Church Sunday to go take some fun pictures of the kids together. And also some of the boys and I....luckily we all happened to be wearing some form of red or pink.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Soap Carving ~ Febuary 7, 2010

Grandpa was looking for an indoor rainy day activity for the boys and this is what they came up with. Luckily the soap was really soft so they were able to use bread knifes. Colin and Conner loved it....Colin was actually shaped like a car with some help from Grandpa. And Conner was really into it also but was enjoying just taking bits and pieces off then making anything.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fish ~ January 30, 2010

Fish, Fish & more fish!!

Grandma and I have been wanting to get the boys some fish for quite some time. Just a beta so that the boys could enjoy them. Well Grandma went out and did it. Now we have 3 beta (which all live in different containers in different spots in the house) and about 4 tropical fish and 2 African frogs that live in water. The boys love them!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Seattle Children't Museum - Jan. 29, 2010

We were invited to meet our Friends from Ellensburg at the Seattle Children's Museum specifically the Hall's even though there were others there that I was able to talk to briefly while following kids around. But I got a chance to really connect with Emily Hall and the boys got to renew their friendship with her children. Which are all about the same ages as the boys. Colin and Ethan are only 2 weeks apart and have know each other for almost their entire life. So it was a great day!!! Thanks for the Invite Emily!!

Also on a side note I have decided to digitally scrapbook my pictures before doing a post because I normally have to many photos I would like to share. This might put me more behind but I hope it also pushes me to post more sense finals are over and I really want to play around on elements. To really enjoy each page, click on it to make it bigger!

The Fry Boys and the Hall Kids!
Colby, Colin, Aubree, Ethan, Conner and Amie

The Children's museum had so much to do we didn't even get to half of it!!

Eat, Digest & Poo
This was Conner's favorite exhibit.
So I had to do a page just for him!

They had a really cute Fire Engine to play on and I remember I had a picture of Ethan & Colin in a fire engine similar at the Ellensburg Children's museum and wanted to show how much they have grown!! The 2 side pictures are them in March of 2005 when they were 16 months old.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Trains what more could a BOY want? January 15, 2010

Colby loves Trains!!!
Or in his words whoo, whoos!!!
I really think he was playing with them for over an hour in one sitting. Lucky for him (and me) big brother Conner set up the other train set of Grandma's and they had a train fest. Our new favorite kid show is called Chuggington on Disney. I recorded them so I can distract Colby while dinner is being made!!! LOL he really loves to eat so anything that will give me a few more moments helps!
Below are some layouts I did with Photoshop Elements, I really wish I had more time to digiscrap. Ignore the differances in sizes I just realized that mistake and need to go fix it. To see them better you can click to enlarge!

Goodbye Christmas tree ~ January 9, 2010

For David!!!
Dave I don't know how often you check the blog but I know you were sad you missed the chance to see the tree go up in smoke!! So for you I documented the whole thing.
Love You and Miss You!
Your Sister!
PS For everyone else Thanks for being patient! I am working through January Photos right now doesn't look there will be many posts. I must have been worn out from all the pictures I took in December.