Ok new calling thoughts: I was called to be 2nd Counselor in the Relief Society over a month ago. My initial thoughts when asked to meet with the Bishop was that they were going to call me to Primary, and I wasn't sure if I could do that. I really feel the need to be in Sunday School and Relief Society right now. I feel the strength I receive from it each week. And as the Bishop mentioned releasing me from the Relief Society Board I almost begged him to let me do both callings so I could still be involved in Relief Society. He promised me I would but that they need to release me still. I was surprised and overwhelmed when he told me they were calling me to the Relief Society Presidency as the 2nd counselor. But overwhelmed in a good way, I felt that this was a way for me to give back to the ward for all the support that I have received over the last 2 years.
I was amazed by the peace that I felt the next week as I was able to look at my schedule of classes and as a mother that I would be able to find the balance I needed to balance it. I wish I could stay that feeling has stayed with me through this last month. But the Sunday they sustained us, was an eye opener as the former presidency was doing announcements and announced super Saturday in a Month. As a former member of the board I knew that we had not planned anything yet for this yearly event and almost immediately panic set in. But somehow the Lord knows what we need as was able to give me the support and energy to accomplish all that needed to be done. Things seem to just fall in to place. I had a week to put together the classes and get demos ready before fall quarter started and was overwhelmed by the support given to me by sisters, since I don't have a board to help me as yet.
Yesterday was Super Saturday and though I look back and feel that I was ever where and my brain wasn't functioning (another time I will share my story of the night before and the 3 different beds I slept in) every one shared with me their enjoyment of the day and I know I felt a sisterly bond with every sister in attendance. Most importantly I have to give credit to each Sister that was there to help. Joanna Haws who helped me set up the night before and stayed after cleaning up. What an example of strength you are to me. Sister Bell and Jackie, for all the clean up and energy you provided. Lynette Risk and Traci Colwell for supporting me through all the decisions and anxiety I had.
But mostly to my Mom, Becky Burton. You put together an amazing food preparedness class that the sister's haven't stopped talking about. For stepping in and teaching the Sisters to make their own headbands. For watching Colby numerous times so I could run errands or catch up on Homework. For getting up early and making bread. For putting together two quilt tops that we didn't even get around to setting up. For supporting me in all my craziness and mood swings. Without your example and help things would be so much harder.
I am excited to work with Lynette Risk the new Relief Society President who I have looked up to as an example as she has 4 boys the oldest just started BYU Idaho and the youngest turning 12. And Traci Colwell who's experiences in previous Relief Society callings have been so helpful in answering questions and concerns.