Like the title says mostly random pictures from my phone or my Dad's camera. Some from mine those are where the coloring is off. But my Dad ordered me a external flash for my birthday which should be here soon, so prepare for the return of pictures!!!!
Story of Pictures below goes like this: One night Grandma put Colby to bed, which is a process in it self. I was up working on homework right above his room and heard the stories and the songs coming up from below. There was giggles and laughter from both Grandma and Colby. It is a great sound to listen too mostly because when I lay him down all I get is tears. Finally after probably an hour of this everything had quieted down and my Mom came out and said that Colby wanted to say goodnight to me. Since I figure he was almost out I finished what I was working on before going down. I couldn't find him, in the room at all. I walked back down the hall to ask my Mom where he was and she said in bed. As I turned around I noticed a head popping out of the suitcase. He was completely silent during the time I walked past him and back. If I hadn't looked closely in his bed I would have thought he was out.

He thought he was so funny! It took me another 20 mins to finally get him asleep.

Bounty from my Mom's amazing garden. I take no credit except for weeding the tomatoes.
This is all from one day and doesn't show everything that we have eaten over the harvest.

The boys enjoying the huge tomato from the Garden. Glad they take after me in the respect. Nothing better then a fresh tomato right off the vine.

Below are pictures of the boys and some of the animals at our house. The kitten showed in the below pictures was Percy, who was the cutest of the 4 we have. Unfortunately I hit him with my car, the boys have forgiven me but it was very upsetting for them and Colby still hasn't let me forget it. He will randomly remind me that I hurt Percy and that is not ok. He has grown very protective of the other kitties. We are not allowed to throw them out, at all. Which we do gently when they come inside, where they aren't allowed. Colby runs to rescue them before that happens. We miss Percy, he was the sweetest little guy!

Colin and Annabeth one of our rabbits.
(ok yes that is 2 Percy Jackson Names but hey we like the books)
The big boys had swimming lessons this fall. They both did really well and can't wait for another session. I think this will be our fall/winter activity.