The Houser's are a family that I have grown up hearing about. Similar to the stories I will tell my children of young couples I lived by when I first had them or as they grew up. I remember them vaguely but vividly remember the stories my parents have told of them. Luckily for my parents they were in Portland over Thanksgiving visiting one of their children and decided to come to Olympia to visit us and the Bentley's. It is crazy that they also know the Bentley's who live in our Stake. (A LDS term for area that members live in) And we have known them for over the last 15 years. The Houser's were stationed in Japen with the Bentley's right after they joined the Church. So it was great for my parents to have both couples over for lunch and wonderful for Sierra and I to watch them interact and laugh about life past. It made all the stories come to life for me and also realized that my parents once were in my shoes with young children and starting out. It made me appreciate them even more, which is a lot because I owe them so much. I am grateful to my parents for moving us from state to state, and finally settling in Washington. Even though I know it was hard to leave their good friends they made behind. I know they always had what was best for our family in mind, I have seen the blessings that have come from the sacrifices they made. And I hope one day my children will also look back and understand better some decisions I have had to make.
The Burton's, Houser's and Bentley's
So Dad and Mom, Thank you! Thank you for taking the hard road and teaching us along the way. For standing up for your beliefs and loving us always. I also want to thank you for welcoming me home at the lowest point in my life so far. And teaching me that I can stand back up and grow strong again. Thank you for being wonderful Grandparents to my boys. I want you to know how much it has meant to me. I felt as if I had lost my home, my heart and my safe heaven and you showed me through your love and spirit that I still had them. Thank You!

So Dad and Mom, Thank you! Thank you for taking the hard road and teaching us along the way. For standing up for your beliefs and loving us always. I also want to thank you for welcoming me home at the lowest point in my life so far. And teaching me that I can stand back up and grow strong again. Thank you for being wonderful Grandparents to my boys. I want you to know how much it has meant to me. I felt as if I had lost my home, my heart and my safe heaven and you showed me through your love and spirit that I still had them. Thank You!