Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Housers - Nov. 28, 2009

The Houser's are a family that I have grown up hearing about. Similar to the stories I will tell my children of young couples I lived by when I first had them or as they grew up. I remember them vaguely but vividly remember the stories my parents have told of them. Luckily for my parents they were in Portland over Thanksgiving visiting one of their children and decided to come to Olympia to visit us and the Bentley's. It is crazy that they also know the Bentley's who live in our Stake. (A LDS term for area that members live in) And we have known them for over the last 15 years. The Houser's were stationed in Japen with the Bentley's right after they joined the Church. So it was great for my parents to have both couples over for lunch and wonderful for Sierra and I to watch them interact and laugh about life past. It made all the stories come to life for me and also realized that my parents once were in my shoes with young children and starting out. It made me appreciate them even more, which is a lot because I owe them so much. I am grateful to my parents for moving us from state to state, and finally settling in Washington. Even though I know it was hard to leave their good friends they made behind. I know they always had what was best for our family in mind, I have seen the blessings that have come from the sacrifices they made. And I hope one day my children will also look back and understand better some decisions I have had to make.

The Burton's, Houser's and Bentley's

So Dad and Mom, Thank you! Thank you for taking the hard road and teaching us along the way. For standing up for your beliefs and loving us always. I also want to thank you for welcoming me home at the lowest point in my life so far. And teaching me that I can stand back up and grow strong again. Thank you for being wonderful Grandparents to my boys. I want you to know how much it has meant to me. I felt as if I had lost my home, my heart and my safe heaven and you showed me through your love and spirit that I still had them. Thank You!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thanksgiving - November 26 2009

Thanksgiving was wonderful. The boys loved helping in the kitchen as long as they got to taste test! And we had our great friends the Kohler's over. They come over early so they could participate in the cooking of dinner it was wonderful!!

Eating leftover whip cream after I made my pumpkin pie.
Nice Mid-morning snack!

Wonderful Aprons!
Sierra, I, Mom and Sarah Kohler

Sarah and I!
I don't know what I would do without her!

Conner and Alex fighting over Princess Courtney!!

We made these cute little place cards for everyone!
With the help of Tait who gathered all the sticks, so we didn't have to go out in the cold!

Sierra giving Colby a ride!

Courtney, Colin, Conner and Alex eagerly awaiting dinner!

Colby enjoying the yummy bread dip!

There was lots of dueling that day!
Courtney loved watching the boys fight it out!

Starting to wind down!
Tait, Alex and Dad (Matt Kohler) Colin (well just his legs) and Conner!

Friday, December 18, 2009

First Day of Nursery - 11/22/09

He is 18 Months!
Colby has started Nursery and boy do I miss him. Luckily they need help in our nursery a lot. We have split our nursery into three groups, an older group with the ones that are preparing to start primary in January and 2 younger groups. And those three groups rotate between three areas or classrooms. A snack/ coloring room, a lesson and music room and a toy room. It has worked out great, making it more manageable for the teachers. If all the kids are there it consists with about 8-10 kids a class.

Here's some pictures of Colby Before Church....

Not sure it is worth the effort to be dressed up and taking pictures.
Don't you love how his hair matches the cabinets and wood floors.

Finally settling down for at least one nice photo, but no smiles.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

It isn't the Holiday's without GingerBread Cookies! Nov. 14 & 16

Gingerbread Cookies
As long as I remember there has been gingerbread cookies all through November & December. It wouldn't be the holidays without them. We use my Grandmother Burton's recipe that my Dad always makes, then we roll, cut and decorate.
The boys love being involved in this and Grandpa is so patient. Maybe because he had to deal with 6 children wanting to help when I was growing up!

Colin & Conner helping cut out the first batch of Cookies.

Conner & Colin decorating.
I don't know where he found that hat but it's old. From one of our Christmas pj's years ago.

These are picture from FHE with the Clark's. More Gingerbread.
Brother Clark raised 5 boys of his own, the youngest at the end of the counter is Spencer.

Spencer & the boys.
They just love him. And I think he enjoys their energy for the most part!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Playdough - Nov. 9 2009

We have introduced Colby to playdough and so far he loves it. Only tried eating it a couple times but I caught him in time! He only last about 10 mins but that isn't a bad attention span for an 18 month old.

Colby pulling it into little pieces!

Conner has always loved Play dough! So he was excited to show Colby how it works.

I love this picture he was being so careful to get it just right!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Six Years Old - Nov. 1, 2009

Colin Joseph Fry

It is amazing that this little one is now 6 years old!

He sure has grown and changed!

He love these and I am glad I got them. No mess!!

Colin and Conner enjoying this toy table I refinished for Colin.
Thank you to the Kohler Family for giving it to us!
(The toys set up on it are our Star Wars Characters & our "Cars" cars.)

We love you Colin!

A few things Colin has accomplished this Year!

Started Kindergarten!
And still loves it, except the time he has to wake up!

Learned to Ride his bike without Training Wheels!!
And learned to love it!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Stole this but it so fits....

Stolen from Sarah Kohler's blog with a few modifications!!!!

As life would have it, I have been busy. If you saw my calendar you would concur! I am sure I did it to myself, I did after all decide to go back to school. I am really excited about it. I am loving the classes I am taking. I really do, I am learning a lot. But, I want you to know that tomorrow I am planning on catching this blog up. But first I have school work, house work and mommy work to do...oh and a chocolate party!!! Yum!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween ~ Trunk or Treat - October 31, 2009

First a few more pictures of my 3 Musketeers!

I love how Colby imitates his brothers, and how Colin is making sure everyone is together!

I love how Conner is tipping his hat!!

Trunk or Treat

Conner, Alex Kohler, Courtney Kohler holding Baby Henry Edwards & Colin
Eagerly Waiting for Trunk or Treat to start!

Conner & Colin with the Maxwell Girls!

Leah & Colin ~ they are actually in the same Kindergarten Class.
The only 2 from our ward that go to the same Elementary School!

Conner was Cold so he became a Modern Day Musketeer!

Colby enjoying his first true Halloween!

Colby won't wear his own hat but loves Grandpa's 'Indian Jones hat"

Great Friends!
Myself, Tammy Edwards holding Baby Henry and Sarah Kohler!

Kohler Halloween Party - October 30, 2009

The Three Musketeers!
What can I say? I had so much fun creating these outfits....I put it off until the last minute so there were some late nights but I love having the creative outlet!
The only reason Colin agreed was because he got a sword out of it!
Luckily he was more then happy with my homemade one!

All for One and One for All!
Needless to say this is the only picture Colby kept his hat on for!

Watching Matt Kohler put a Witches liver (dry ice) into the cauldron.
I think my boys still think that is what he did!

There were so many kids there, it was a great group!!!

The littlest Musketeer!

Ok I just thought this Picture was amazing!! I love the look of the smoke over the side!

Mud Puddles - October 22 2009

What are little Boys Made up?
Mud Puddles
So after the pumpkin patch while I was unloading the car of pumpkins and Colin's suitcase, Colby decided to explore the puddle. Colin and Conner were trying to stop him but I figured that because we were all ready dirty.......Needless to say we have got the rain boots out now!

Colin trying to keep his shoes dry.....not a chance!

Boys will be boys!

Well Colby liked it until he tripped!
Ok I couldn't resist the urge to take a picture!

Bath Time!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pumpkin Patch #2 - October 22, 2009

Picking Pumpkins!
Unfortunately we never got around to carving them!
Colin knew right away that he wanted this very special pumpkin!
Very Nontraditional I love it!

Conner went with the small pumpkin on the right!
Though he would have taken the large one if he could have carried it!

Colby checking out his pumpkin!

Conner with some of his preschool buddies,
Chase, Conner and Noah!

Riding back after picking their pumpkins!

Colin riding the slide!

Conner, don't you love the look on his face!

Colby feeding the goats!

Conner and the scarecrow!