Friday, December 18, 2009

First Day of Nursery - 11/22/09

He is 18 Months!
Colby has started Nursery and boy do I miss him. Luckily they need help in our nursery a lot. We have split our nursery into three groups, an older group with the ones that are preparing to start primary in January and 2 younger groups. And those three groups rotate between three areas or classrooms. A snack/ coloring room, a lesson and music room and a toy room. It has worked out great, making it more manageable for the teachers. If all the kids are there it consists with about 8-10 kids a class.

Here's some pictures of Colby Before Church....

Not sure it is worth the effort to be dressed up and taking pictures.
Don't you love how his hair matches the cabinets and wood floors.

Finally settling down for at least one nice photo, but no smiles.


  1. He looks so handsome!!

  2. That little man is super cute! I just love him... Plus, those two hotos of him are perfect!

  3. What a handsome little guy!! I can't believe he's already 18 months old!!!!
