Colin spent a week in New Hampshire with his Fry cousins, his oldest cousin Kathryn was baptized. He flew there with Oma Fry and had a blast. While he was there I think Conner had to stretch himself and learned to play with Colby one on one. It was a great experience for him and Colby. It was fun to watch and see the mischief they got into, luckily it was all good mischief!!!!

Colby and Conner practicing with their Light-sabers.

For a young Padawan, Colby actually has the hang of what to do.
And Conner was very careful and patient with him.

Next Conner dressed Colby up in the Knight outfit.
I am not sure Colby could really see but he seemed to enjoy it!

Colby waking up from a Nap and realizing that Conner had taken over as the Knight!
Colby looks like such a big boy in those pictures! I bet it was really good for Connor and Colby to have just each other to play with - and I'm sure the house was a little quieter too! I'm glad Colin had a good time! Let me know when you're going to reschedule that birthday party!