We had a great group of preschool boys this year. Us mother's rotated houses every and it worked great. Conner made some great friends and it is sad that we don't get to see them as much now. Three of them are in another ward so it makes it harder to get together. But it has been a great year, and Conner has grown so much I can't believe he is ready for Kindergarten. But he is and I am proud of all he has learned this year. I wanted to go back and show pictures from through out the year so the most recent are first then it goes backwards.

This is our group in all their personality.
Elijah, holding his new puppy, Doug, Conner, Chase, Noah.

Silly Boys, Doug, Conner, Chase, Noah

Meeting Elijah new puppy, it is tiny at 4 months old.

Conner and Chase spraying each other in the drinking fountain.
We are lucky to be on Chase's Soccer team with his mom coaching this year.
Colin is on Chase's older brother Andrew's Team.

This was a shot from a preschool day at my house.
We got outside and enjoy a bit of spring air.

These Boys sure could run!

Easter Party!

Easter Egg Hunt

Ok not Preschool Kids but who can resist Colby kissing Julia, Chase's little sister.

Building a Volcano
Noah, Doug, Conner, Chase, Noah's Sister, Elijah

Christmas Party
Elijah, Doug, Chase, Noah's Sister, Conner and Noah

Pumpkin Patch.
Chase, Conner, Noah
Oh my goodness that kissing picture is AWESOME!!! Seriously. Love it.