Sierra really wanted to go to a Mariner's game while she was home. Last time we went to a game it was just my parents, Sierra and I and we sat 3 rows behind home plate (because my Dad got tickets through his work). It was an amazing experience. This time we took the boys and bought cheap seats. And it was just as fun to sit up and opposite where we sat before. The boys really enjoyed the experience too I think. Colin enjoyed asking Grandpa questions about the game. Conner had fun goofing off with Sierra and Colby, well Colby enjoyed the fact that the railroad tracks run right behind the field. Every time a train goes by the honk and Colby would bolt up and say train, and off we went to watch them. He loved it!

What a fun outing for your boys! You have such a fun active family! I love reading about your adventures! I especially LOVE the last picture of you and Colby! Could he be any cuter?