Sunday, December 12, 2010


Thanksgiving was on Friday for this year. And because we always get our Christmas Tree Friday we did both. It was a nice and quiet day with the boys being brothers and laughter. We were grateful Sierra was home because the boys love her so much!!!! Well the pictures say the rest.
The only other note is that Colby insisted on helping us carry the tree and he was always telling us to slow down. My mom said it was so funny watching him run to keep up with us while we thought we were walking as slowly as possible carrying a heavy tree.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Crazy weather!!!

On the night of November 15 it was dark and stormy and by 8 pm the power was out. The boys weren't too excited about no power because they were in bed and had no night light. They were excited in the morning when we still had no power and school was canceled!

This is a photo I captured on my iphone and then photoshopped.
It was just amazing the fire around the entire rim of the candle. The glass had popped of the top and the flame spread to cover the opening.

Luckily we have a generator so we weren't with out TV and a space heater that day.
The boys still enjoyed cuddling up with each other on the couch because it was cold.
More the 24 hours later our power was finally back on!!

Then on November 20 we woke up to snow. Snow before Thanksgiving, for us that is amazing!!
By that evening we only had a small dusting but the boys were able to get out and play, afraid that it would be gone by morning.
They were even able to gather enough snow for a snowman.

Conner and Colby waiting for the base to be ready.

To our surprise it was still snowing the next day but not enough to cancel school. By the time the boys came home there was plenty to play in and they did all afternoon until it was to dark to see.

We finished off the day with a snow day tradition of grilled cheese, tomato soup
and hot chocolate.
They really were hungry.

We also started the holiday tradition of Gingerbread cookies!

It finally stopped snowing Tuesday morning and the schools did cancel school because now the roads were all ice. So the boys enjoyed another day in the snow and even got Sierra and I out for a snow ball fight.


Preparing the snow forts.

One thing that I wish I had got pictures of is the boys snowboarding on the sled. We either have really steep hills or very small hills so they went for the small hills and just stood up on the sled.