Sunday, December 12, 2010


Thanksgiving was on Friday for this year. And because we always get our Christmas Tree Friday we did both. It was a nice and quiet day with the boys being brothers and laughter. We were grateful Sierra was home because the boys love her so much!!!! Well the pictures say the rest.
The only other note is that Colby insisted on helping us carry the tree and he was always telling us to slow down. My mom said it was so funny watching him run to keep up with us while we thought we were walking as slowly as possible carrying a heavy tree.


  1. I miss Thanksgiving at home. I miss the early morning cooking with everyone.

  2. That is a great tree...I bet it looks awesome all decorated! I'm loving seeing all the pictures of your boys, they are getting so big!! I love the one of Colby cuddling up next to Colin on the couch :)
