Spring Break started out with our Church's worldwide general conference. I am still wondering how my Mom was able to get 6 children to sit at church for 2 hours and that is 4 sessions of 2 hours in 2 days. Now we can watch from home but that doesn't make it much simpler for having 3 boys. So one thing that I have continued from my youth is the semi annual trip to Dairy Queen for FHE Monday night. This has really helped the older boys to try and stay focused and work on coloring pictures. Thankful this year my Sister's mother in law sent some really cool scriptures story pictures for them to color and they loved that.
So Monday night we headed to Dairy Queen with our Friends the McRenold's. Colin and Joel have be come best friends this year. Sharing more then just their class at school and church but also their Birthdays.
**Pictures taken with iphone just a bit blurry!

Conner, Joel and Colin.
Yes those are banana splits and they each finished them.

Colby enjoying his blizzard!
On Tuesday we had a playgroup. And I realized how much I miss them. I used to have them all the time and then the boys started school and life got crazy. So it was so nice to see all the kids play and I got to enjoy some good conversation. Not just the "hi, how are you?" as we pass each other in the hall at church.

The Tree House Grandpa has built for the Grand kids.

Conner, Courtney and Colby.

Yep no training wheels for this boy!!!
Still working on starting by himself.

Colin, Colby, Alex and Joel.
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