Sunday, September 27, 2009

Summer of Bikes

The Joy of Bike Riding!
The hard work Paid off!!!

Colin took his training wheels off at the end of July.....and worked hard to learn how to ride his bike. At first it was a chore for him but now that he does it on his own, and because the example of a friend, he loves it. To bad the weather is changing and it is starting to rain, he would be out there all day!

Grandpa working with Colin in Late July.

Conner just chilling on his bike!
He has actually shown interest in taking his training wheels off.
We have a couple times, and he will probably be training wheel free next summer.

Colin being able to ride circles but he couldn't start or stop by himself.

Sierra Chasing Conner...he was laughing so hard.

Colby is a little jealous of the bikes...he wants to ride so bad.

Colby watching Colin ride by....his face shows his joy at having big brothers.

So after Colin got the hang of riding all on his own, we had friends over to ride with him.
One friend who is a little older, was showing him how to ride of the road. They were every where!

Mariner's Baseball - Sept. 18, 2009

Seattle Mariners VS. New York Yankees
This was an awesome night....
Sierra turned 20 on the 14th and she wanted to go see the Seattle Sounders, the soccer team here but they are all sold out all season. But my Dad was able to get 4 tickets through work for the Mariners. These weren't just any tickets either, we sat three rows behind home base and got to eat in the Diamond Club and have as much free food as we wanted. And we somehow got tickets to the game against the Yankees....
It was amazing to watch a baseball game from this viewpoint...I had fun with my camera trying to snap series of pictures from the pitcher throwing the ball to the batter hitting it. It is amazing how fast those balls go.
But the most amazing part was that in the bottom of the ninth Mariners were down 1 to 2 and we had 2 outs and a player on second. Ichiro was up to bat and on the first pitch he hit a home run and we Won!!!!! Unfortunately that was the one time I didn't take pictures of him up to bat....

Myself, Mom and Sierra before the game behind home Plate!

Sierra & I at the Diamond Club

Eating Pineapples.....

Sierra, I, Mom & Dad trying to get a group picture!

I love this shot of Mom & Dad....
It was fun watching my Dad explain different aspects to My mom.

This is actually a shot of Gutierrez.
I like it because you can see the dirt fly up where it hit and then the ball bounce back up on the left. This hit got him to second base right before Ichiro hit his home run.

A shot of Ichiro, the white blur in the middle is the ball right after he hit it!
Unfortunately not the home run!

The Seattle Mariners

The New York Yankees

I want to thank Oma for watching the boys overnight so I didn't have to rush home before the game was over and I didn't have to worry about who was watching them. I know they enjoyed spending the night with her.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Famous M&M picture! - Colin, May 8, 2004

So I got a comment from Jolie on Colin's Kindergarten Post about Colin as a baby and Josh (Jolie's husband) and Joseph feeding him M&M's at the age of 6 months. I thought it fitting and needed to share this photo. I believe they were just letting him lick the outside but he sure loved it. Jolie I love how you remember that moment...Thanks!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten - Sept. 10, 2009

My Kindergartner!
Colin has started School and loves it!

I got one normal photo of him!

Conner sure misses him!

Showing off his new watch and X-men backpack that Sierra is letting him use.
Yes I said Sierra she has a collection of kids Backpacks.

Colin in his Classroom!

Picking him up!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Zoo - Sept. 3, 2009

Point Defiance Zoo with our Playgroup!!
We got the chance to go to the Zoo with the Playgroup before school started and the boys loved it. I just had the older two because Abby and Colby both needed naps and had slight colds, so Grandma stayed home with them. I have to admit it was fun doing something with just the older boys! I will need to take Colby soon he will love the animals!

Julia, Conner and Colin...
I was so proud of Colin, he tends to not like to touch things!
Where as Conner is always up for touching anything!

Feeding the Birds!
The boys loved this, Colin was just really concentrating hard!

Colin and Emma

James, Colin and Conner checking out the Elephants!

Colin the Monkey

Tired Conner!

Front: Hallie and Claire (Emma's Sisters)
Back: Conner and Colin
I think the boys loved this the most....
I have to admit I enjoyed it because it was free and they could ride it as much as they wanted because they were no lines!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Colby's Haircut - Sept 2, 2009

Colby has been in desperate need of a haircut. I find it hard to cut his hair mostly because I love the color and the way it looks but after I took the below picture I knew it was time for action. I couldn't postpone it any longer, so with a deep breath, I started. The tricky thing with his hair is that I wanted to keep some length so I needed to use scissors and I was terrified of butchering it. But with my Mom directing me, with her years of experience, I was able to get it done. And I am quite happy with how it turned out, though sometimes I miss how crazy his hair could get!!

Before his Haircut...
by the way this is a normal position for him, I am not sure where he picked it up.

After haircut, when he woke up,
he was so tired of sitting during the haircut that pictures had to wait.

What a little gentleman!

Ok so maybe this is where he picked up that position...
just joking him and Sierra were just messing around and he was laughing so hard at her.

Luaa Outfits - August 29, 2009

Our ward had a Luaa and since we had Abby I wanted to actually sew some girl things. I started out with a practice skirt and then made some pantaloons and shorts that all matched for Abby and the boys. My Mom had bought a cute dress from a thrift store that she then add another layer of matching material over so her dressed matched. I have to admit it is quite satisfying making things and I am glad Abby was here so I could motivate myself to make some things for girls. Now if we could some more nieces in our family. So far the boys out number the girls 4-2 soon to be 5-2 with Joy having another boy in a couple weeks. It is harder to come up with cute things to make for boys....though I did come across some cute Monkey material for pajamas for "my Monkey", Colby! P.S. for more craft items I have made recently check my craft blog out!!!

My Practice Skirt!

Abby in the dress my Mom made.

Colby & Abby

Conner & Abby

Colin & Abby

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Fountain - August 27, 2009

Warmth, Water and Cousins!!
We took the boys, Abby, Melinda and Aunt Holly down to Olympia's downtown Fountain.
They loved it!

P.S. Can you believe it this is my 250th Post!

Grandma with Colby and Abby

Abby & I, Colby & Grandma

The big Boys, Melinda & I

The whole group minus me the photographer. Colby & Abby sharing Grandma's lap and a bag of Pirate Booty. Melinda, Conner & Colin all leaning on Aunt Holly.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Some special Visitors - August 26, 2009

We had some wonderful visitors in August. My Niece Abby (14 months) was able to come stay for 10 days while my brother Dan and his wife Brittney went out for a much needed vacation to see DC and New York. And also my Aunt Holly came and brought her granddaughter Melinda (4) for 4 days. It was nice and warm so we were able to be outside a lot. Here are some pictures of the kids cooling off in our little pool! The boys just loved having Abby around and Colby also got along really well with her.

Colin & Abby getting used to the water.

Colby & Abby

Melinda, Colin & Conner

The Three Boys

It was nice having some girls around!