Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Clean Dogs - July 6, 2009

Many of you know that my parents have dogs, all sizes, a little dachshund Izzy, middle sized Yellow lab, Gemma and the Big Saint Bernard, Sunshine. Well my boys have no fear of them, and that includes Colby. He has loved the dogs from the beginning... Well my Mom washed the big dogs one day and allowed them in to the laundry room to dry and immediately my boys were all over them.
It is not often the big dogs are in the this was a treat.

Sunshine didn't even care that all three boys were sitting on her, she just loved the attention. Gemma is just chilling in the background.


  1. Lucky boys! My kids would love for us to have a dog. I always thought that I would own one when I was older, but right now the idea of owning a dog is a bit overwhelming to me.

  2. My girls would be in heaven! Dave's allergic to dogs, so my poor deprived kids might get a fish...probably not though because I'll have to clean the tank! :) Good to see you today - your boys are little gentlemen!

  3. oh, I miss those days. I loved it when mom washed the dogs. Thos boys are so cute.
