Sunday, September 20, 2009

Luaa Outfits - August 29, 2009

Our ward had a Luaa and since we had Abby I wanted to actually sew some girl things. I started out with a practice skirt and then made some pantaloons and shorts that all matched for Abby and the boys. My Mom had bought a cute dress from a thrift store that she then add another layer of matching material over so her dressed matched. I have to admit it is quite satisfying making things and I am glad Abby was here so I could motivate myself to make some things for girls. Now if we could some more nieces in our family. So far the boys out number the girls 4-2 soon to be 5-2 with Joy having another boy in a couple weeks. It is harder to come up with cute things to make for boys....though I did come across some cute Monkey material for pajamas for "my Monkey", Colby! P.S. for more craft items I have made recently check my craft blog out!!!

My Practice Skirt!

Abby in the dress my Mom made.

Colby & Abby

Conner & Abby

Colin & Abby


  1. So cute! You are so talented!!

  2. Just darling Anjuli! You are so talented!

    And Abby is just as photogenic on your blog as she is on Dan's and Brit's. Guess if the boys are going to outnumber the girls, the girls just get all the extra adorable genes to balance things out. Boys are cute too, but she is a doll!
