Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ellensburg Visit - The Cox's, June 29-July 1, 2009, Post 2

One reason we went over to Ellensburg when we did was because our friends the Coxs' were up from Arizona. We literally shared a wall with them for almost 4 years. They are attending Dental school in Arizona and I am so glad that Jamie's parents live in Ellensburg so they have to come back to visit. Jamie and I also were Visiting Teaching companions together for that entire time. Colin and Kyler are 4 months apart, when we moved in next to them Colin was a week old. Jamie and I were pregnant with our second boys at the same time, Kayden is 3 months older then Conner. Then they had their 3rd a little girl Kenna, who is 3. Then their youngest, Kamille was born in April. It was great to see them and get a chance to visit. And see how the boys acted as if they had never been apart, except for a few shy moments in the beginning. One reason I love blogs, my boys love to look at all the pictures of their friends.

Left to Right:
Kyler, Colin, Kenna, Conner, Kayden, Joanna and Jaclyn in the Ramsey's backyard.

I couldn't resist a few flashbacks:
Kyler (almost 2) and Colin (18 months) in May 2005

Kyler (almost 4) and Colin(3 1/2) in May 2007
Present Day:
Colin 5 and Kyler 6 June 2009

Conner (5 months) and Kayden (7 months) in October 2005
Conner and Kayden always had a love hate relationship, not many pictures of them together. And this last visit so they were everywhere, so I didn't get a picture of just the two of them.

And both of our youngest, Conner (13 months) checking out Kamille (2 months)

Colin, Kayden and Kyler, I believe Conner was outside.


  1. Yeah! Thanks for doing that post. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the flashback pictures, it really makes it seem so crazy how big they've all gotten and how much time has passed (because most days it doesn't feel like it). We had a blast seeing you guys again :)

  2. It's great to get together with old friends. It looks like your kids had a great time together as well. Where is Ellensburg? I'm going to go Google Map it right now.
