Colin and Colby eating black licorice Ice Cream Cones....
Yes I said Black licorice. Colby was finishing off mine, interesting flavor not bad but not my favorite.

We even took Izzy, we had just lost our older dachshund and she was having a hard time being the only little dog. Most shops we kept her outside, but this shop allowed pets as long as they were carried, or in our case in a stroller. I don't know if Izzy liked it but Colby sure did.

Finally the beach, not that the boys didn't love the stores, but they were so glad when we made it to the beach. It wasn't really warm, in the 60's so I decided against swimsuits. My boys don't like being cold so I figured they wouldn't get that wet!!!

Boy was I wrong, Colin in the distance and Conner dashing down to the water. They didn't stay dry for long....

This is what we ended up with....Conner tripped running from the waves and was soaked head to toe. Sweatshirt and all! Don't worry I came prepared with change of clothes and towels but he had to wait while I ran to the car and got them. He was a trooper though and hardly cried at all. I have to admit after my first instinct of grabbing him out of the water....I had the thought that I should have snapped a picture first. But my motherly instinct had reacted first!!!

When I came back from the car, I found that Colin too had tripped and was wet not as wet as Conner but wet. Needless to say he found a way to warm up by rolling in the sand........

Colby loved all the rocks and the sand....I did manage to keep him out of the water.
Not that he didn't try to get wet....

All the boys, minus Owen, Colby, Conner, Colin and Corbin! Yes my boys did end up in their swimsuits after all....lesson learned.
fun. haha Anjuli don't you remember going to the washington beaches when we were younger? we always got wet even when it was freezing outside.