Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ellensburg Visit - The Hall's

One last post from Ellensburg, Emily Hall and I grew to be great friends while her husband was in Iraq! Ethan her oldest is just 2 weeks older then Colin and very similar personality. Funny fact, Emily's Dad is actually an Anesthesiologist and he did my epidural when I had Colin. I didn't know Emily at the time I met her 8 months or so later. Unfortunately he was out of town when I had Conner. We couldn't keep Ethan and Colin apart through the whole trip. She has three children, Ethan, Amie and Aubree.

Ethan and Colin

Conner, Colin, Ethan, and Amie.

All my boys coming down the slide, Ethan watching from the sidelines.

Colin, Amie and Ethan

Colin, Drew Nielson about a month younger then Colin, and Ethan.
The Nielson's they live above Seattle but were on they way home from Wenatchee after cherry harvest, so were able to stop and visit for a while.

Amie and Colby, she can't wait until her baby sister can play with her.

P.S. I am not sure why Conner seems to have disappeared when the camera comes out, but I assure you he was around, just so busy!


  1. The photo of Colby and Amie playing the keyboard together is adorable! Oh, and I LOVE the photo a few posts back of you and Colby at the beach! It's beautiful.

  2. I love the new look and title of your blog! Adorable! I also enjoyed reading the post you made about dinner together. It was really nice to visit. We should've taken a picture of the adults. I actually just posted 2 pictures from that, including a super cute one of Colby and Aurora. Feel free to save it if you want.
