Tuesday we packed up the Cabin and headed back into Salt Lake City. We took the afternoon to swim with Great Grandma Joann at her pool. (My grandma, boys great grandma) And then we headed to Liberty Park. A must for me if I am in Utah, my Grandpa used to walk us there whenever we visited him. It has changed over the years but I still love it and want my kids to have memories of it, since they will not know him. I was able to meet a few of my cousins there since I hadn't had time to get around to see anyone. Thanks for coming there guys!!

Colin and Corbin, they came to WA to see us the year before

Colin and Colby

Colby loved the water.

Show off between Colby and Owen.
Owen is Corbin's brother he was just a baby when we say him last.

George pushing Corbin, Skyler and Colin

Corbin, Colin and Conner

The Boys with my Cousin Chelsea's Boys

Showing off their muscles with my Cousin Bonnie's Boys
holy cow bonnie's boy has guns!