We were trying to think of some fun activities before we lost David and Sierra to School and the boys started school. We found this great mini golf place in Olympia that is done in the dark with black lights. It was really amazing and fun! We all enjoyed it!!

Colin is really starting to get the concept.

Even Colby loved it! He really wanted to help everyone!

Those feet belong to Conner we were looking for a lost ball.
We decided he was Jonah being swallowed by a whale.

The Boys and the Elephant.
Colby wouldn't get near it.

David did get him near the Chimpanzee, he is gripping on pretty tight though.

The boys and the gorilla.

Sierra matches the Cheetah.

Conner loved this hole, he kept going over and over.

The Group, Colby really wanted to help Grandma.
Yeah, i wouldn't want to get close to that gorilla, either. Creee-eepy!